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sushi tools

Sushi Tools

The main tools needed to make sushi rice


Rice Cooker

Japanese manufacturer rice cooker Japanese manufacturer rice cooker

Pot with a lid Pot with a lid

Eelectric rice cooker or pan, pot



Glass bowl Glass bowl

Stainless steel bowl Stainless steel bowl

Bowl is used to mix the vinegar and seasoning.
Stainless steel bowl or glass bowl


Handai ( Wooden Bowl )

Wooden bowl for sushi Japanese wooden bowl

Large wooden bowl for sushi
Handai is used to mix the vinegar and boiled rice.
If you do not have Handai, it is a good idea to use a large bowl.


Rice Paddle

Wooden spoon for rice in Japan Japanese wooden rice paddle

Tool to mix the rice and sushi rice. If you do not have a wooden rice paddle, you can be the rice paddle made ​​of synthetic resin.


Makisu ( Sushi Mat )

tools-makisu Japanese bamboo sushi mat

Makisu tools is used to wind the rolled sushi roll. It is made of bamboo.


Other Cooking Tools

Measuring spoon and measuring cup, tray, spoon, fan.