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Nori ( Dried Seaweed )

Nori-dried seaweed

Nori-seaweed is frequently used in sushi dishes.
The Japanese have been eating seaweed more than 2000 years old.
Nori-seaweed is a traditional Japanese food.
In recent years, the nori-seaweed has spread around the world along with the Japanese cuisine.
In addition,
Nori-seaweed has attracted attention as a health food.
Nori contains 30-40% high-quality protein.
And nori-seaweed are rich in beneficial trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and iodine.
In addition, nori-seaweed is rich in vitamins such as, B2, C A, B1.

How to Save Nori Seaweed

Nori seaweed is vulnerable to moisture.
Therefore, you must save the Nori seaweed in a dry environment.
Please Nori seaweed is saved along with the desiccant container hermeticity.