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Choose From All Sushi Cuisine

Alphabetical Order Japanese Sushi Cuisine

Unagi Sushi/Eel Sushi

Sushi Photo

sushi photo unagiUnagi Nigiri Sushi/
Eel Nigiri Sushi

Sushi Taste

Eel is very soft.
It has a rich flavor and fat.

Sushi Price

Japanese eel nigiri sushi is expensive.

Best Season

Best season is summer.

Sushi Cuisine

Nigiri sushi

Unagi sushi is a Japanese cuisine that is popular.
You can eat the sushi of unagi in most Japanese restaurants.


Unagi Fish/Eel Fish

Fish Name

Eel/Japanese eel/Unagi

Fish Photo

fish photo unagi

Fish Size

Eel will grow to about 40 inches.

Fish Information

Japanese eel is distributed to the river.
Eels are born in the deep sea of the Pacific Ocean.
Japanese eel fry is carried to Japan by sea currents.
Adult eels live in rivers and lakes.
Eel will live in the crevices in the sand and rocks.
The eel is lurking there in the daytime.
Eel is nocturnal.
When the night comes,
Eels move around to look for food.
Eel eats crustaceans, aquatic insects, frogs, and small fish.

Fish Price

Japanese eel is expensive.

Unagi Dishes in Japan

Grilled eel white,
Broiled eel,
Teriyaki eel