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Choose From All Sushi Cuisine

Alphabetical Order Japanese Sushi Cuisine

Tairagigai Sushi/Tairagi-Gai Sushi

Sushi Photo

sushi photo tairagigaiTairagigai Nigiri Sushi/
Tairagigai Nigiri Sushi

Sushi Taste

Pen shell has a distinctive flavor and bitterness. It has a crunchy.

Sushi Price

Pen shell nigiri sushi is expensive.

Best Season

Best season is spring.

Sushi Cuisine

Nigiri sushi

This is a rare and expensive sushi cuisine.


Tairagigai Shellfish

Shellfish Name

Pen shell/Tairagigai

Shellfish Photo

shellfish photo tairagigai

Fish Size

Pen shel will grow to about 14 inches.

Shellfish Information

Pen shell has been inhabiting the shallow sea of Japan coast.
It is a bivalve.
Pen shell is a triangle.

<How to choose Pen shell>
Good shellfish are alive.
Thick adductor muscle is fine.

Shellfish Price

Pen shell is very expensive.

Shellfish Dishes
in Japan

Sashimi Pen shell,
Tempura Pen shell,
Simmered Pen shell,
Pen shell baked butter