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Choose From All Sushi Cuisine

Alphabetical Order Japanese Sushi Cuisine

Shiro-Ebi Sushi/Glass Shrimp Sushi

Sushi Photo

sushi photo shiroebiShiro-Ebi Gunkanmaki Sushi/
Glass Shrimp Gunkanmaki Sushi

Sushi Taste

Glass shrimp are tender and juicy.
It has a sweet taste.

Sushi Price

Glass shrimp gunkanmaki sushi is very expensive.

Best Season

Best season is from April to November.

Sushi Cuisine


This is a expensive sushi cuisine.


Shiro-Ebi Shellfish/Glass Shrimp

Shellfish Name

Glass shrimp/Shiro-ebi

Shellfish Photo

shellfish photo shiroebi

Fish Size

Glass shrimp will grow to about 3 inches.

Shellfish Information

Glass shrimp is distributed along the coast of Japan.
It is a small shrimp.
Glass shrimp inhabits the continental shelf facing the open ocean.

Shellfish Price

Glass Shrimp is expensive.

Shellfish Dishes
in Japan

Shrimp sushi,
Shrimp tempura,
Shrimp soup,
Shrimp dumpling,
Tendon shrimp,
Fried shrimp,
Dried shrimp,
Shrimp sashimi,
Dried shrimp