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Choose From All Sushi Cuisine

Alphabetical Order Japanese Sushi Cuisine

Shirauo Sushi/Icefish Sushi

Sushi Photo

sushi photo shirauoShirauo Gunkanmaki Sushi/
Icefish Gunkanmaki Sushi

Sushi Taste

Ice fish is very soft.
It has a slightly bitter taste.

Sushi Price

Icefish gunkanmaki sushi is very expensive.

Best Season

All year round

Sushi Cuisine

Nigiri sushi

This is a rare and expensive sushi cuisine.


Shirauo Fish/Icefish

Fish Name


Fish Photo

fish photo shirauo

Fish Size

Icefish will grow to about 4 inches.

Fish Information

Ice fish that inhabit the coast of Japan.
Ice fish is a small fish.
Ice fish long and slender.

Ice fish is translucent white. ,
Therefore, the ice fish can be seen, such as spine and internal organs.
After ice fish is dead,
Its body color will be white.

Fish Price

Icefish is very expensive.

Fish Dishes
in Japan

Sashimi Icefish,
Tempura Icefish,
Icefish soup