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Alphabetical Order Japanese Sushi Cuisine

Saba Sushi/Mackerel Sushi

Sushi Photo

sushi photo sabaSaba Nigiri Sushi/
Mackerel Nigiri Sushi

Sushi Taste

Mackerel has a flavor and acidity.
It is delicious.

Sushi Price

Mackerel nigiri sushi is inexpensive.

Best Season

Best season is autumn.

Sushi Cuisine

Nigiri sushi

Saba sushi is a Japanese cuisine that is popular.
You can eat the sushi of saba in most Japanese restaurants.
Saba sushi is inexpensive.
However, fresh Saba are very tasty.


Saba Fish/Mackerel Fish

Fish Name


Fish Photo

fish photo saba

Fish Size

Mackerel will grow to about 20 inches.

Fish Information

Adults of mackerel will eat other fish fry, plankton and krill.

Long time ago,
Mackerel fish were inexpensive.
However, in recent years, high-quality mackerel price has been rising,

Mackerel is faster rate of decline of freshness,
Hunter is often the treatment delay the decline of freshness.

<Choice of mackerel>
Round and large mackerel is good.
Hard mackerel is good.
Mackerel with red gills is high freshness.
Mackerel with a sense of transparency eyes is fresh.
Do not select a mackerel belly is soft.

Fish Price

Mackerel is inexpensive.
Some mackerel is expensive.

Mackerel Dishes
in Japan

Mackerel nigiri sushi,
Grilled mackerel,
Miso boiled mackerel,
Mackerel soup,
Mackerel sushi,
Mackerel fly,
Fried mackerel