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Choose From All Sushi Cuisine

Alphabetical Order Japanese Sushi Cuisine

Narezushi Sushi

Sushi Photo

sushi photo narezushi
Narezushi Sushi

Sushi Taste

Narezushi has a rich flavor and acidity.

Sushi Price

Narezushi sushi is inexpensive.

Best Season

All year round

Sushi Cuisine


This is a traditional sushi cuisine.
This is a very rare sushi cuisine.
You will not be able to eat at a sushi restaurant in Japan.


Mackerel Fish/Saba Fish

Fish Name

Mackerel Fish/Saba Fish

Fish Photo

fish photo saba

Fish Size

Mackerel will grow to about 20 inches.

Fish Information

Sushi is fermented fish and rice.

It is a traditional Japanese sushi.
Mackerel is typical ingredients.

Mackerel fry eat plankton.
And they grow.
Adult mackerel eat small fish, plankton, and krill.
Life of the mackerel is about six or seven years.

Long time ago,
Mackerel was inexpensive.
However, the
Recently, high-grade mackerel price has been rising,

Mackerel is easy to deterioration.

<Choice of mackerel>
Large mackerel is good.
Hard mackerel is good.
Mackerel of the gills of red is good.
Mackerel have eyes with a sense of transparency is good.

Fish Price

Mackerel is inexpensive.
Some mackerel is expensive.

Fish Dishes
in Japan

Grilled mackerel,
Miso boiled mackerel,
Mackerel soup,
Mackerel sushi,
Mackerel fly,
Fried mackerel,
Vinegar fish mackerel