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Alphabetical Order Japanese Sushi Cuisine

Kuruma-Ebi Sushi/Prawn Sushi

Sushi Photo

sushi photo kurumaebiKuruma-Ebi Nigiri Sushi/
Prawn Nigiri Sushi

Sushi Taste

Prawns has a chewy.
It has the unique flavor and aroma of shrimp.

Sushi Price

Japanese tiger prawn nigiri sushi is expensive.

Best Season

Best season is from June to October.

Sushi Cuisine

Nigiri sushi

Kuruma-ebi sushi is expensive sushi cuisine.
However, this is not a rare sushi.
You can eat this dish in a Japanese sushi restaurant.


Kuruma-Ebi Shellfish/Prawn

Shellfish Name

Prawn/Japanese tiger prawn/Kuruma prawn

Shellfish Photo

shellfish photo kurumaebi

Fish Size

Prawn will grow to about 12 inches.

Shellfish Information

Prawn inhabits sand and mud at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean.
It is a medium-sized shrimp.

Day, prawns are lurking in the mud and sand.
At night, king prawns are active in the seabed.
Prawn is omnivorous.
Prawns will eat algae, shellfish, polychaetes, and small fish.

Shellfish Price

Japanese tiger prawn is very expensive.

Prawn Dishes in Japan

Prawn nigiri sushi,
Tempura prawns,
Grilled prawns