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Choose From All Sushi Cuisine

Alphabetical Order Japanese Sushi Cuisine

Kinmedai Sushi/Alfonsino Sushi

Sushi Photo

sushi photo kinmedaiKinmedai Nigiri Sushi/
Alfonsino Nigiri Sushi

Sushi Taste

Red snapper is tender.
It has a rich fat.

Sushi Price

Splendid alfonsino nigiri sushi is very expensive.

Best Season

Best season is winter.

Sushi Cuisine

Nigiri sushi

This is a rare and expensive sushi cuisine.
You'll eat the sushi in Japanese restaurants.


Kinmedai Fish/Splendid alfonsino

Fish Name

Splendid alfonsino/Kinmedai

Fish Photo

fish photo kinmedai

Fish Size

Splendid alfonsino will grow to about 20 inches.

Fish Information

Alfonsino are inhabiting the deep sea in the world.

Alfonsino is vermilion.

Old, alfonsino was inexpensive.
Today, fish is a luxury alfonsino.

Fish Price

Splendid alfonsino is very expensive.

Fish Dishes
in Japan

Red snapper sashimi,
Boiled red snapper,
Red snapper stew,
Boiled fish red snapper,
Dried red snapper,
Miso red snapper,
Alfonsino sake lees,
Sake steamed red snapper,
Red snapper bouillabaisse,
Red snapper meuniere