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Choose From All Sushi Cuisine

Alphabetical Order Japanese Sushi Cuisine

Kegani Sushi/Horse Crab Sushi

Sushi Photo

sushi photo keganiKegani Nigiri Sushi/
Horse Crab Nigiri Sushi

Sushi Taste

Crab is soft,
It has a rich umami taste.

Sushi Price

Horsehair crab nigiri sushi is very expensive.

Best Season

Best season is winter.

Sushi Cuisine

Nigiri sushi

This is a expensive sushi cuisine.
You'll eat the sushi in Japanese restaurants.


Kegani Shellfish

Shellfish Name

Horsehair crab/Horse crab/Kegani

Shellfish Photo

fish photo kegani

Fish Size

The size of the shell will grow to about 6 inches.

Shellfish Information

Crab is distributed in the North Pacific Ocean.
It is a large crab.
Crab inhabits the bottom of the sea of sand and mud

The crab is carnivorous.
Crab eat shellfish, crustaceans, and small fish.

<How to choose crab>
Heavy crab is good.
Dark crab is not good.

Shellfish Price

Horsehair crab is very expensive.

Crab Dishes
in Japan

Boiled crab,
Steamed crab