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Kappamaki Sushi/Cucumber Sushi Roll

Sushi Photo

sushi photo kappamaki

Kappamaki Sushi/Cucumber Makisushi

Sushi Taste

Kappamaki Sushi has a crunchy texture.
It has a light taste.

Sushi Price

Cucumber makisushi is inexpensive.

Best Season

All year round

Sushi Cuisine


Kappa-maki sushi is a Japanese cuisine that is popular.
You can eat the kappamaki-sushi in most Japanese restaurants.
Kappa-maki sushi is inexpensive.



Vegetable Name


Vegetable Photo

vegetable photo cucumber

Vegetable Information

Cucumber is a cucumber plant of the genus Cucurbitaceae.
Japanese food has been used as a cucumber from over a thousand years ago.
Cucumber is taken out of immaturity.
Because, immature cucumber texture is good.
Typically, the Japanese are fond of eating raw cucumber.

Vegetable Price

Cucumber is inexpensive.

Cucumber Dishes in Japan

Kappa maki sushi,
Pickled cucumber