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Choose From All Sushi Cuisine

Alphabetical Order Japanese Sushi Cuisine

Kaki Sushi/Oyster Sushi

Sushi Photo

sushi photo kaki
Kaki Sushi/Oyster Sushi

Sushi Taste

Oysters have a distinctive flavor and bitterness.
It also has a smell of the sea.

Sushi Price

Oyster nigiri sushi is inexpensive.

Best Season

Best season is winter.

Sushi Cuisine

Nigiri sushi

Oyster sushi is a Japanese cuisine that is popular.
You can eat the sushi of oyster in most Japanese restaurants.
Oyster sushi is inexpensive.
However, fresh oyster are very tasty.



Oyster Name


Oyster Photo

oyster photo

Fish Size

Oyster will grow to about 8 inches.

Oyster Information

Oyster inhabit the reef area of the sea of Japan.
It is a large bivalve.
Currently, most oysters are farmed.

<Choice of oyster>
Iwagaki freshness is more likely to decline,
Therefore, Iwagaki must be lived.

Oyster Price

Oyster is inexpensive.

Oyster Dishes in Japan

Grilled oysters,
Steamed oysters,
Fried oysters,
Oyster stew