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Choose From All Sushi Cuisine

Alphabetical Order Japanese Sushi Cuisine

Ise-Ebi Sushi/Japanese Lobster Sushi

Sushi Photo

sushi photo iseebi
Ise-Ebi Sushi/Lobster Sushi

Sushi Taste

Ise-ebi has the delicious aroma and distinctive flavor.

Sushi Price

Japanese spiny lobster nigiri sushi is expensive.

Best Season

Best season is from November to March.

Sushi Cuisine

Nigiri sushi

You would not eat the sushi of Ise-ebi in Japanese sushi restaurants.
Because, ise-ebi sushi in Japan is rare and expensive.


Ise-Ebi Shellfish/Lobster Shellfish

Shellfish Name

Lobster/Japanese spiny lobster/Ise-Ebi

Shellfish Photo

shellfish photo iseebi

Fish Size

Japanese spiny lobster will grow to about 12 inches.

Shellfish Information

Lobster inhabits shallow tropical sea.
It is a large shrimp.

Lobster is a luxury food in Japan.

Shellfish Price

Japanese spiny lobster is expensive.

Shellfish Dishes
in Japan

Lobster miso soup,
Boiled lobster,
Grilled lobster,
Lobster sashimi,
Lobster sushi,
Lobster tempura,
Fried lobster