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Choose From All Sushi Cuisine

Alphabetical Order Japanese Sushi Cuisine

Ikura Sushi/Salmon Roe Sushi

Sushi Photo

sushi photo ikura
Ikura Gunkanmaki Sushi/Salmon Roe Sushi

Sushi Taste

Taste and smell of the sea will spread.

Sushi Price

Salmon roe nigiri sushi is expensive.

Best Season

Best season is autumn.

Sushi Cuisine


Ikura sushi is a Japanese cuisine that is popular.
You can eat the sushi of ikura in most Japanese restaurants.


Ikura/Salmon roe

Ikura Name

Salmon roe/Ikura

Ikura Photo

fish photo sakesalmon roe1salmon roe2


Salmon roe is salted eggs of salmon food.
Salmon roe is eaten raw after seasoning.
Salmon roe is not cooked to be heated.

Salmon roe skin soft state is preferred.
Mature salmon roe has a strong elasticity.
Japanese do not like the hard roe.

Let careful is vulnerable to water and heat.

Ikura Price

Salmon roe is expensive.

Ikura Dishes in Japan

Salmon roe sushi,
Salmon roe bowl,
Salmon roe rice