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Alphabetical Order Japanese Sushi Cuisine

Hokki-gai Sushi/Sakhalin Surf Clam Sushi

Sushi Photo

sushi photo hokkigai
Hokki-gai Sushi/Sakhalin Surf Clam Sushi

Sushi Taste

Surf clam has a distinctive flavor.
It has a good chewy, delicious.

Sushi Price

Surf clam nigiri sushi is inexpensive.

Best Season

Best season is from December to March.

Sushi Cuisine

Nigiri sushi

Hokki-gai sushi is inexpensive.
However, fresh hokki-gai are very tasty. This is a traditional sushi cuisine.


Hokki-gai/Sakhalin Surf Clam

Shellfish Name

Sakhalin surf clam/Hokki-gai

Shellfish Photo

fish photo hokkigai

Fish Size

Sakhalin surf clam will grow to about 4 inches.


Surf clam is a bivalve.
Surf clam inhabits shallow sandy bottom of the sea.
Surf clam can be eaten raw.
However, if you heat the surf clam,
Sweet and umami taste of surf clam will increase.

Shellfish Price

Sakhalin surf clam is inexpensive.

Shellfish Dishes
in Japan

Butter grilled shellfish,
Boiled shellfish,
Surf clam rice,
Surf clam curry,
Kakiage shellfish