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Cone Sushi

Sushi Photo

sushi photo cone
Cone Gunkanmaki Sushi

Sushi Taste

Corn is very sweet, sushi rice has a sour taste.

Sushi Price

Cone gunkanmaki is inexpensive.

Best Season

All year round

Sushi Cuisine


Cone sushi is inexpensive. This is a new sushi dishes.



Cone Name


Cone Photo

cone photo

Cone Information

Corn is an annual plant of the grass family.
Corn is native of tropical America.
Corn is grown up to 2 meters high.
Corn is grown widely in many parts of the world for the purpose of food and feed.

Cone Price

Cone is inexpensive.

Cone Dishes
in Japan

Grilled corn,
Corn stew,
Corn salad