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Alphabetical Order Japanese Sushi Cuisine

Caviar Sushi

Sushi Photo

sushi photo caviar
Caviar Gunkanmaki Sushi

Sushi Taste

Caviar has a very rich taste.
Creamy texture in the mouth will spread.

Sushi Price

Caviar gunkanmaki sushi is very expensive.

Best Season

All year round

Sushi Cuisine


You would not eat the sushi of caviar in Japanese sushi restaurants.
Because, caviar sushi in Japan is rare and expensive.


Sturgeon Fish/Chozame Fish

Fish Name


Fish Photo

fish photo sturgeon

Fish Size

Sturgeon will grow to about 80 inches.

Fish Information

Sturgeon has been inhabiting the northern part of Europe North America, and Asia.
Sturgeon can survive in seawater and freshwater.
Sturgeon is a companion of a primitive shark.

You can eat meat of sturgeon.
It is salted.
It will be luxury food.
And it is called caviar.

Fish Price

Caviar is very expensive.

in Japan

Caviar sushi