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Carpaccio-Tako Sushi/Carpaccio-Octopus Sushi

Sushi Photo

sushi photo tako Carpaccio-Tako Nigiri Sushi/Carpaccio-Octopus Nigiri Sushi

Sushi Taste

Octopus has a strong elasticity.
It has a delicious taste.

Sushi Price

Carpaccio-octopusgunkanmaki sushi is inexpensive.

Best Season

Best season is summer.

Sushi Cuisine

Nigiri sushi

Sushi of Carpaccio-Tako is a new sushi dishes. This dishes is very cheap sushi.



Octopus Name


Octopus Photo

fish photo tako

Fish Size

Octopus will grow to about 4~40 inches.

Octopus Information

Octopus are living in coastal areas of sea around the world.
Octopus is high protein. And it is delicious.
Therefore, the octopus is eaten in many parts of the world.
Also, many Japanese prefer to eat octopus.

Octopus can be eaten raw.
However, the octopus is generally to be cooked.
Octopus will change to red after boiled.

<Choice of octopus>
Energetic raw octopus is good.
Octopus with the skin is a good freshness.

Octopus Price

Octopus is inexpensive.

Octopus Dishes
in Japan

Octopus sashimi,
Octopus nigiri sushi,
Tempura octopus,
Oden octopus,
Vinegared octopus,
Boiled octopus,
Octopus rice