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Alphabetical Order Japanese Sushi Cuisine

Carpaccio-Ika Sushi/Carpaccio-Squid Sushi

Sushi Photo

sushi photo ika Carpaccio-Ika Gunkanmaki-Sushi/Carpaccio-Squid Gunkanmaki Sushi

Sushi Taste

Squid is a blend of mayonnaise flavor source. It is a new taste of sushi.

Sushi Price

Carpaccio-squid gunkanmaki sushi is inexpensive.

Best Season

All year round

Sushi Cuisine


Sushi of Carpaccio-Ika is a new sushi dishes. This dishes is very cheap sushi.



Squid Name


Squid Photo

fish photo ika

Fish Size

Squid will grow to about 24 inches.


Squid inhabits the ocean around the world.
The size of the squid are different for each type of squid.
Squid is eating small fish and crustaceans.

Japan is the world's largest consuming countries of the squid.
Japanese love squid.

Squid Price

Squid is inexpensive.

in Japan

Grilled squid,
Deep-fried squid,
Boiled squid,
Salted squid,
Dried squid,
Tempura squid,
Deep-fried squid rings,
Squid sushi,
Figure squid sushi,
Squid noodle