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Alphabetical Order Japanese Sushi Cuisine

Bora Sushi/Mullet Sushi

Sushi Photo

sushi photo bora
Bora Nigiri Sushi/Mullet Nigiri Sushi

Sushi Taste

Mullet has a chewy.
It has a delicious taste.

Sushi Price

Mullet nigiri sushi is inexpensive.

Best Season

Best season is from autumn to winter.

Sushi Cuisine

Nigiri sushi

Bora sushi is inexpensive.
However, fresh bora are very tasty.


Bora Fish

Fish Name

Mullet/Cephalus striped mullet/Herder/Bora

Fish Photo

fish photo bora

Fish Size

Mullet will grow to about 28 inches.

Fish Information

Bora has been inhabiting the warm waters around the world.
Mullet is eating microorganisms and algae, and protozoa of the seabed.

Karasumi is made after salted and dried mullet ovaries.

Karasumi is very expensive. It has a unique flavor and fat.

<Choice of mullet>
Body of mullet is required elasticity.
Black mullet is fresh. However, the mullet became white has decreased freshness.

Fish Price

Mullet is inexpensive.

Fish Dishes
in Japan

Boiled fish,
Fish stew,
Grilled fish,
Fried fish