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Alphabetical Order Japanese Sushi Cuisine

Ara Sushi

Sushi Photo

sushi photo araAra Nigiri Sushi

Sushi Taste

Ara has a beige color and elastic.
Ara has the flavor of the superlative.

Sushi Price

Grouper nigiri sushi is very expensive.

Best Season

Best season is winter.

Sushi Cuisin

Nigiri sushi

You would not eat the sushi of ara in Japanese sushi restaurants.
Because, ara sushi in Japan is rare and expensive.


Ara Fish

Fish Name


Fish Photo

fish photo ara

Fish Size

Grouper will grow to about 32 inches.

Fish Information

Ara has been inhabiting the area of warm waters of the deep sea reef.
This fish is very tasty.
However, Ara is treated as an ultra high-end fish.
Therefore, this fish is distributed in a fine restaurant. .
This fish is not sold in the supermarket.

<Choice of Ara>
Choose the body color Ara is not white.
Ara is a brown and beige with good freshness.
The gills of fish freshness is a good bright red.

Fish Price

Grouper is expensive.

Fish Dishes
in Japan

Fish stew,
Sake lees fish,
Grilled fish,
Fried fish,
Fish meuniere